During the final Christmas of the First world war in 1917, Winifred Moyes and a small group of friends began experimenting with a planchette. This is similar to a Ouija board but instead of pointing to letters on a board, it has a pencil inserted into it and thus is able to write when sitters place their fingers on it.
The circle continued to meet, and Winifred was able to dispense with the planchette and gain communication through automatic writing alone. She was clearly developing into a talented medium.
Then in 1920 the name “Zodiac” was written out and this was the start of what would become The Greater World. The Zodiac messages which were highly evolved spiritual teachings, continued to be given to the little circle. Then in 1921 Zodiac spoke directly through Winifred for the first when she was in trance. This working partnership would continue until 1957.

The Zodiac Messages
The Zodiac messages are a series of spiritual teachings delivered by Zodiac which give a completely new perspective on many of the teachings of Jesus as given in the Gospels. They can be seen as nothing less than a new revelation of the truths contained in those teachings.
To the modern reader the messages as written down can appear somewhat “flowery” and meandering. This is because Zodiac was using the intellect and language of a middle-class lady of the 1920’s, but once one adapts to this factor, the power of these teachings becomes self-evident. The Zodiac Circle circulated the messages as much as possible in the form of typewritten scripts, but the demand for them became such that The Greater World magazine was founded in 1928 and it continues in publication to this day as The Greater World Newsletter. The Greater World Christian Spiritualist League was founded in 1931 as an umbrella organisation for the Christian Spiritualist movement.
Zodiac gave is first public address through Winifred Moyes in 1928 and these would continue until Winifred’s passing in 1957. They often took place before audiences of many hundreds and continued throughout World War II. As far as is known, Zodiac has never been in communication since.
Who was Zodiac?
Zodiac never revealed his earthly name. He identified himself as the unnamed scribe who asked Jesus “Which is the greatest commandment” (Matthew12:28-34). He then became a follower of Jesus, was present at the Crucifixion and saw the Risen Christ. He was eventually martyred for his beliefs and work.
What’s in a name; why “Zodiac”?
As mentioned above, Zodiac never revealed is earthly name and gave this explanation for why he chose this name in his communications
“In regard to the name Zodiac: It was chosen in order to lift the minds of those on the earth from the ground to the sky, nothing more than that." (From Zodiac’s Life on earth; June 10th 1923).