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Church Candles

Evening of Communication (Mediumship)

Cost: £5 (payable on arrival at the door)

Starts: 7.30  - 9.00pm

When: Last Wednesday of the Month – Not all months have an EOC check monthly What’s On sheet

Order of Evening: 

  • Chairperson introduces Medium and quick information & safety check

  • Medium opens in prayer

  • Mediumship for approx 1 ½ hours*

  • Chairperson gives our notices and church events information

  • Medium closes in prayer

  • Bids Goodnight and thank you for coming

*The Mediumship section is where the Medium will connect to spirit, usually ask a person in the audience if she/he may work with them and then give off information and messages from person’s loved ones in spirit. 

All that is required of the audience, if the Medium comes to you is to say Yes (you can take the information) or No (you cannot take the information that is being given) or I don’t know (in which case the Medium will then go back to the spirit communicator and ask questions to clarify/enhance information being given). It is not necessary for you to give the medium any information except to clarify a relationship or what is being said.

Most important thing – sit and enjoy the evening that spirit will share with us...

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