Spiritual Healing
Cost: There is no charge for Spiritual Healing, but a box is there should you wish to donate.
Times: 7.30 – 8.30pm
When: Every Tuesday evening
Special: To celebrate St Francis of Assisi we hold a special Animal Healing Service in Sep/Oct.

We are pleased that you have chosen to visit our Church Website and walk into our Church and we trust that you find the peace, tranquillity and friendship we offer, especially if you choose to visit our Church.
Whether you want to receive the healing energy by the laying on of hands, or perhaps just sit in the congregation to enjoy the music and the peace and tranquillity that we offer in our sanctuary at this time – You Are Very Welcome.
General Information
What is Spiritual Healing?
The word healing comes from the Greek word ‘holos’- meaning ‘holistic’ or ‘whole’ – treating the whole person. We all seek a balance throughout our being – mind, body and spirit. Spiritual Healing is ‘tapping’ into God’s universal energy and using this in a positive way, for the purpose of healing. It can be practised in two ways, either by ‘Absent Healing’ or by ‘Contact Healing’ (the Laying on of Hands).
Absent healing is where prayers are said for the patient. Churches and some healing mediums have ‘Healing Books’ where they put the names of those who are sick or suffering. Prayers are then said for those in the Healing Book.
Contact Healing or The Laying on of Hands is where a healing medium, having trained and developed themselves to be used as a ‘healing channel’ can direct the flow from God’s universal energy to the patient. It does not require manipulation or massage and is non-invasive, just purely and simply directing the healing energy to and for the patient.
Who can receive Spiritual Healing?
Any person over 16 years of age
Any person under 16 years of age with written consent from a parent or guardian
Any pregnant woman before childbirth happens or from ten days after childbirth, with the midwife’s knowledge
Human healing is permitted but must not, legally, be a substitute for medical care
Animal healing is permitted but must not, legally, be a substitute for veterinary care.
Side/After Effects
There are no side effects from the healing, however you may experience the following whilst the healing is taking place or afterwards: a tingling as you feel the energy from the healers hands, heat or cold, a feeling of well-being, sleepyness, pease, tranquillity, relaxation and very possibly enjoy a good night’s sleep.
Healing Services
Our Healing Service starts at 7.30pm on a Tuesday evening. You can come along for healing if you would like or, indeed, should you just wish to sit in the peace and tranquillity of the energies and listen to the spiritual music, you can do that too. We also hold an ‘intense’ healing session ‘by appointment only’ on certain Saturday mornings for those who have serious or chronic conditions.
Healing Medium Qualifications
Bexleyheath Church is using ‘United Spiritualist’ as their chosen Healing Medium training organisation. Our Healing Mediums go through a training period, within our church, for a period of two years and develop themselves spiritually as a channel for the healing energy. Each healing medium gives their services free of charge.
What to expect from our Healing Mediums
Healing Mediums will:
Always make you welcome
Promote and safeguard the well-being of the patient
Respect information and confidences given
Work in a professional and proficient manner.
Our Healing Mediums will not:
Do trance healing
Give massage or manipulation
Give any mediumship/clairvoyance
Offer diagnosis, cures or recommend alternative medicine.
How to behave
It is important that the patient observes and respects the silence at all times, especially whilst others are receiving. Creating and respecting the peace, spirituality and tranquillity will enhance the healing vibration. To maybe sit and say prayers for those in need, may also add to the patient’s own experience.
We ask that the patients do not make any sudden noises or movements and indeed be aware not to touch or tap anyone suddenly if they have their eyes closed or if they are relaxing in the atmosphere, this could cause a shock to the system. We would also ask please that you do not rattle money or sweet papers or use mobile phones whilst healing is in progress. This is for everyone to benefit from the peace, tranquillity and spirituality that we offer and enjoy our Healing Service.
We do not promise to heal, but wonderful things can happen. Spiritual healing is not a replacement for conventional medicine, but certainly is an enhancement and is seen as complementary therapy.
We do not charge for the spiritual healing that we give, but there is a freewill donation bowl should you wish to contribute to the church costs – for which we thank you.
If you have an interest in becoming a Spiritual Healing Medium, please contact Tricia or Sandra via the church telephone number, who will be pleased to talk over the training programme with you.