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Image by Manki Kim

Private Readings

Cost: £10 for 15 minute reading, £20 for 35 minute reading or £30 for 55 minute reading

Times: Between 1.00 – 3.00pm - Please arrive 10 mins before your booking

When: The Last Saturday of the Month - Not all months have Private Readings, please check the monthly What’s On sheet.

Private Readings are when you have a chance to sit one-to-one privately with the medium. It is an opportunity where more confidential things may be spoken about and which are not appropriate or ethical in a public forum situation such as an EOC held in public.

Should you wish to ask questions they will try to satisfy your enquiry. However, for your own fulfilment of the experience it is best ‘Not to Feed the Medium’ – that is to say ‘not give information freely to the medium’ – it is for the medium for convey what they are being told by the spirit communicator. To only say Yes (you can take the information) or No (you cannot take the information that is being given) or I don’t know (in which case the Medium will then go back to the spirit communicator and ask questions to clarify/enhance information being given).

The most important things to remember are:

  • Not to go in with the need to communicate with only one desired loved one

  • No expectations of asking the outcome of a given situation – Spirit will let you know what you need to

  • Evidence given could be way back in your family – you may have to check

  • Most importantly – Keep an Open Mind

  • A true Spiritual Medium will not predict – they will only give what the Spirit Communicator is giving to them

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